❤️JULY 2025 QUILT RETREAT❤️ see details in the ACTIVITIES page
❤️JULY 2025 QUILT RETREAT❤️ see details in the ACTIVITIES page
Thank you to all who participated in creating the quilts that were donated to Edward Hospital’s Camp Hope. The kids' signatures in the above thank you card are a sweet reminder of how your efforts have affected real lives. These quilts are a loving reminder to them that others care...a priceless outcome!!
Many helped cut fabric to create kits for others to piece together and then quilt. Each stage results in a joyous occasion when the finished quilts are given to the children of Camp Hope. We all know that life is tough, which these children know well, so any moment of light is appreciated by all.
To make your quilts at home or with friends, we ask that they be 36”x 36”, lap or throw-size quilts, preferably gender-neutral, for preschool to junior high school-age children.
Whatever you choose, together, we have the power to make a positive difference in the lives of these children. Your continued support and contributions are greatly appreciated.